November Favourites

It’s apt that I write this at my favourite time of year, in the cool of November snuggled up in a duvet watching the Intern. Autumn/ Winter and the run up to Christmas is when I am happiest and, although a seasonal cold is currently beating me down, nothing could break my absolute joy for these dark evenings and crisp mornings.

My coat has been a firm favourite of this month. I have ALWAYS hated winter coats, the way they puff you out and make you look like a balloon. Yet, there is something about this beauty that I have become obsessed with. Not only is the colour something different and the furry collar a constant warmth, but it actually makes me feel confident.

I’ve been baking a fair bit recently, and this has been due to the Tanya Bakes cookbook. I have been obsessed with the Millionaires shortbread recipe (made twice already) and just baking in general. It’s both satisfying and lovely to share with friends and work mates. Who knew I’d be making my own caramel- cause sure as hell I didn’t. 

Every day I pick between two pairs of shoes, and these t-bar styles have become a favourite of mine. Perhaps the fact I was never allowed patent shoes as a child is part of this love-affair, nonetheless it is deep one and I don’t think I’ll ever tire of them. They were from New Look, complete bargains and I am just obsessed with them. 

Amsterdam was a few weeks ago now, and I am missing it uncontrollably. The relaxed mindset, constant laughter and quality good time with my best friend is something I cherished, so being back working hard at school is a challenge. Nevertheless, the holiday is one of my favourites- along with the book I read there- the Anne Frank diary. It is a truly unforgettable story. 

I have also been loving this new camera. It makes just beautiful photographs, at such a good quality. It makes me excited to take photos and write blog posts. 

This may be rather bizarre but it is still something I have loved over the last month. My lovely friend made this gift for me once, a jar filled with autumn leaves and fairy lights. It’s so seasonal and I love switching this on whilst doing my work for sixth form, the perfect on-the-desk buddie.

Since September, most days have made use of my beautiful Stila eyeshadow palette. I love makeup and, although the motivation to actually put it on my face can be hard to find, this palette has been one of my favourite parts of my routine. The shades are all lovely and perfect for this season, they blend well and make eyeshadow easy.

I have also been enjoying my Summer Rose perfume from the Rosie by Autograph collection in M&S. I received this for my birthday and love to pop it on on those special days and occasions. Its very floral, but generally that’s how I like it. 

Along with my coat revulsion (minus my current lovely), is my hatred for jumpers. Yet this too has been revamped this year and this dark green baggy jumper has become the snuggest thing for cold days. Yes, it is nothing fashionable or exciting, but it is so soft and comfy that it makes November even better.

 My most worn item of the last month or two has probably been my pinafore. I wear it most days, it is especially good for easy sixth form outfits, and love the cute style it creates. Mine was from River Island, but there are so many lovely designs on the highstreet at the moment.

So those are the things I have been enjoying and loving recently, I’d love to know what yours are in the comments. I hope you enjoyed this post my lovelies and I’ll see you soon,

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