Christmas Party Look

Merry Christmas. I’m currently sitting typing out this blog post, snuggled up in my nan’s pink cheetah dressing gown with the Polar Express playing in the background- not my most glamourous look if I’m honest. But with Christmas just a few hops away, it’s that time of year to dress up a little bit and enjoy the seasonal parties. So today I thought I’d share with you my Christmas party look this year.

I was so happy with this little beauty I managed to pick up whilst doing some last minute shopping in town on Tuesday. I’d seen this dress online months ago, saved on my wishlist even then, but at £60 it was no spur-of-the-moment purchase. I let it go in the end, but when I saw it in store for less than half price- I HAD TO HAVE IT.
And the dress is a stunner. A simple black dress with a stunning ornate over-dress, detailed with some flattering black piping. Although I always love floral things, no matter which month of the year we’re in, this one just seemed particularly festive, due to its detail.

I am obsessed with this look on my nails currently. I’ve loved the shade for months, I spoke about it months back in this post , however with this Model Owns glitter gold on the top, it seemed the perfect festive look and one that was that bit different as well.

For makeup, I did a warm brown-toned smokey eye using my Mac and Stila palette, with an eyeliner flick with the Stila liner and the Nyx matt lip cream in Cannes. The lip cream looks especially nice with Mac's velvet teddy over the top. I kept it quite simple, but I still felt the look was pretty festive.

So Merry Christmas to all my lovely readers. It's been a big year for this blog, so thank you to everyone who has helped support it.

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  1. This look is so lovely and perfect for the party season - the dress is so beautiful!!
    Hollie xx

  2. I love that dress, its so beautiful and party appropriate! Gorgeous look! x


    1. I know it's so pretty! Have a wonderful Christmas!! xx

  3. Hi Lydia, I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award. your blog is one of my faves so if you want to, you can check out my post over on my blog.

    Hannah |

  4. You look stunning! Hope you had a lovely Christmas and good luck for the new year!

    Kizzi xx

  5. I love your nails and your dress is gorgeous! Perfect for a party!
    Amy xx


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