NEW READS: The Rosie Effect Series

My favourite thing by far about reading is when you finish a book and feel like a whole new person because of it. I love the power a book can have on your mind-set, emotions and onlook of life really. For me, that’s the sign of a bloody good read. So here is the latest pair that fitted this enriching description.

As much as you can have a particular favourite theme of books: an enjoyment for a heroic protagonist, a sweet love story or relish at a twisting plotline, I always love a book that plays on a bit of a different basis. For me, this was exactly what Graeme Simsion’s books did.

The Rosie Project, and following Rosie Effect, is written in the eyes of Don Tillman- a loveless professor who is, well let’s say, socially inept. The complexity of social conventions are incomprehensible to him, so he finds himself wound up in a scheduled and unchanging meal plan, with a handful of friends and little romantic interest.

So he sets up a project that should find him the wife he desires, where he plans for a questionnaire to lead him to his perfect partner. But there are bumps along the way, and they may be just what leads him to a whole different understanding of the social convention of romance.  

The book is a hilarious read, as you see the odd conventions of modern romance and dating completely filliped. The characters are all so loveable whilst also feeling refreshing and new.
The book is so well-written, where the chapters lock me endlessly in the minds of the characters. I felt I was living Don’s story with him.

Moreover, the Rosie Effect was a brilliant sequel. It didn’t overstretch the storyline, but filled the second installment with endearing characters and an emotional series of events. As everything seems to change for Don, you simply have no idea what the end will bring.

So if you're looking for a new read, these two will sort you right out. They were a perfect holiday read for me and I know have them proudly placed on my bookshelf. 
Thanks for reading my lovelies,

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  1. You make me want to read those books! :) I've heard of them but I never felt attracted to them (but I didn't even know what the story was about). Now I want to read them, they seem interesting :)

  2. Ohh these both sound super interesting! I love reading a good book. Perfect way to unwind xx

    Lauren |


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